Guest Post by Sara Hundt: Forks & Knives

Minty-lemon lentils with spinach.

Rice stuffed tomatoes, coupled with butter lettuce wraps.

Rice stuffed tomatoes again..because they just look so damn delicious.

There is not that much that can force me into a kitchen. Sure, the idea of whipping up a tasty meal for friends or family sounds nice but at the end of the day, I am not the most dexterous with cooking spices and what-not.

After reading Forks and Knives, written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr, MD,  I found myself surprisingly taking any opportunity I could to test out some of the many tantalizing recipes in the book. Whether it was the ease of the recipes, the fact that Campbell hails from my alma mater, Cornell University, or the simple plea by the authors to revert back to a simpler, healthier, more FLAVORFUL way of cooking, for at least a summer I was hooked on Forks and Knives.

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Mr. Chocolate

On a Food Network episode of The Best Thing I Ever Ate, chef Giada Delaurentiis said one of the best things she’s ever eaten ( drank) was a steaming, chocolatey cup of Jacques Torres Wicked Hot Chocolate in their NYC flagship store. So if Delaurentiis said this was one of the best things she has ever eaten, of course I had to try it. Slightly spicy, chocolatey, hot- Giada was right.

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Vegan Reads: Chloe’s Kitchen

I recently purchased Chloe’s Kitchen for my e-reader.  I am so excited to try Chloe Coscarelli’s all vegan recipes. Vegan baking has always been a challenge for me (read: horrible Red Velvet cupcakes made from chickpeas for a girlfriend’s 21st birthday party, and musty black bean brownies at a bake sale).

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